Nude Beaches: A Beginner’s Survival Guide

So you have decided to do it. You are finally taking the leap. You are finally taking your clothes off… at a nude beach! First off, props to you. Not many people can say the same. Second, while it is totally normal and okay to go to a nude beach without knowing much, I find a first-timer’s experience can be exponentially boosted by following a few survival tips. Because after all, this is uncharted territory for you, mentally and physically.

Now before I unpack what I have learned, I think it should be enunciated that if you go to a nude beach knowing nothing, simply just jumping into the experience without a lot of research, that it is 100% okay. In fact, that is exactly what I did nearly a decade ago and if that is what you would like to do, then leave this article and start googling the nearest nude beach. I mean, what are you even doing reading this? Get out there, friend! I just find that as with everything in life there are all kinds of people. There are people who fly by the seat of their pants (er lack thereof) and then there are others who prefer to plan before trying something new for the first time. The latter inspired this article, but the content is intended for anyone who is curious. If you are not ready to try it but are still wanting more information before this step, read (insert don’t knock it article) here. 

 The Nude Beach Beginner’s Survival Guide

  • Do Not Forget To A Bring A Towel

Or two or three, really. No seriously. You need towels. (We love THESE ones). The more the better and preferably beach style as they are bigger. If you are going solo, I would say cap it at 5 towels but take at least two. No one was ever sorry they brought a lot of towels to the beach, especially when they were nude. 

  • Keep Sunscreen On Deck 

No joke. You need this too. #1 and #2 on this survival guide are non-negotiables. When it comes to choosing which kind, the higher the SPF the better. Also, I have found that the spray type is just soooo much more convenient. 10/10 would recommend. Additionally, it’s good to bring a back up. A few times I have taken a can only to have the nozzle break when I get there or to have it to run out more quickly than I anticipated. So just bring 2 cans in case and you should be good to go! 

  • Leave Your Ego at Home

Okay, so you care about what you look like naked… take some comfort in that you are not unique in this. Literally, so does everybody else. It takes a lot of self discipline and meditation to completely shed vanity. But guess what? Nude beaches are all about this notion. It is about embracing your body for what it is, the GREATEST machine of all time! Our bodies are so miraculous and yet we hyperfocus on tiny “flaws” that we have entirely created in our heads. By allowing reciprocal societal pressures and operant conditioning to take over our thoughts, we suppress what we know to be true: we are all stardust. So when you take off your clothes standing in front of the ocean, with the roar of the waves in your ear and the heat of the sun at your neck, take a deep breath and exhale the toxicity that has kept you from loving your whole self. That has kept you from enjoying something so lovely and timeless.  

  • Relax. It’s Breezy AF

No matter what gender you identify as RELAX, okay? And to address the elephant in the room, you are not going to get an erection. Why? The wind is incredibly strong from the waves. It’s breezy AF. Have you ever seen someone try to light a cigarette on the beach? It is damn near impossible. Likewise, whether you are worried about erections or not (maybe just worried in general), studies have proven that the breeze, the smell of the ocean, and the feel of the sand all help people calm down and find peace. Nature will nurture you into chilling the F out. 

  • Remember Why You Are Going

Finding your why is important when trying to accomplish anything in life. A purpose-driven life is so much more fulfilling than one that is aimless. For this reason, you should try and always set your intention before doing anything for the first time including visiting a nude beach. Why are you doing this? Honestly though, ask yourself this and really think, because there has to be a reason. You are not just going for the sake of going. You are putting in effort, you are reading this article. So what are you doing this for, friend? 

To give you an example, my why was simple – for adventure, for curiosity, and for truth. The bohemian ideals of beauty, freedom, love and most importantly, truth always resonated with me, but I wanted to actually make them a part of my life instead of just identifying with them. For years and years, I had been reading about valiant characters who knew no master in their life and as much as I wanted to be like them, I just wasn’t. From vanity to propriety to others’ opinions of me, I had many masters. The list was long and I was no valiant. So I went because I had been waiting to be swept up in something that was larger than myself. Something that could erase what wasn’t truly me and that could guide me back to my truest self, restoring my integrity. 

Graduating From Beginner

This article was written for beginners, so what do you do if you are beyond this scope and are looking for new ways and places to experience visiting a beach in the nude? Check out some other articles on and get out there and start enjoying yourself.

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